Most people who aim to study in Northern Cyprus universities, tend to get accompanying visas for their family members, especially married students. Spouses and children below the age of 18 can receive a companion visa to Northern Cyprus. Most immigrants wonder what are the conditions for obtaining a student accompanying visa in North Cyprus? In the following article, we are going through these conditions.

In fact, according to the laws in Northern Cyprus, the companions of people who intend to study in Northern Cyprus are able to receive companion visas and can stay in this country with the applicant during the period they study in the universities of Northern Cyprus.

In case the main person, the applicant, has obtained the residence permit in Northern Cyprus through investment or education, they are also able to obtain a companion visa for their family in this country. As a result, the applicant students who have applied only to study in Northern Cyprus can also receive accompanying visas for their spouses, children and dependent family members.

As mentioned in the previous articles, studying in Northern Cyprus has many advantages, out of which the most important can be the favorable climate of the country. The cost of living and studying in Northern Cyprus is very low compared to many other European countries, therefore, majority of students intend to continue their studies in Northern Cyprus universities, obtain visas and stay in this country

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