Medicine is considered as one of the most popular and luxurious fields of study around the world. It is generally known that all parents hope their child become a doctor. Due to the competition among entrance exam participants for choosing a medical field, studying abroad in a prestigious university is an excellent solution. Northern Cyprus is no exception, you can study in Northern Cyprus with the most up-to-date universal methods of teaching medical sciences.

There is a grade point requirement for studying without participating in the entrance exam in the field of medicine. Your high school average grade should be 16 out of 20 or more. There is no need to have a IELTS or TOEFL certificate to study medicine in Northern Cyprus universities. The universities prepare a special semester for language lessons in which the English Language is taught before starting the academic semesters in the field of medicine. There are various universities to study medicine in Cyprus. One of which is the International University of Cyprus IUC, which is going to be describe hereon.

The Faculty of Medicine of the International University of Cyprus CIU is established in order to create a new and different perspective in medical educations, and it aims to be one of the standard health and educational institutions in the world.

The academic course in this university is held for 6 years and is taught in English. The Faculty of Medicine consists of 3 main departments: Basic Medical Sciences, Surgical Medical Sciences and Internal Medicine.

Courses 1, 2 and 3 are pre-clinical courses of medical education. During the first semester (the first year), Basic Sciences, in the second semester (the second year), the Biological Function, Natural Biology of the human body and Basic Microbiology and the Physiopathological and Pathological Foundations of clinical forms and Treatment of Systemic Diseases are taught in the third semester or the third year. The courses are presented with a multidisciplinary approach.

During the 4th, 5th and 6th years, according to the agreement of medical program concluded between the Cyprus International University and the Main University of Adana, the courses will be held at the Turgut Noyan Application and Research Center. The third, fourth, and fifth years of medical education include clinical preparation and internship, during which, in addition to the theoretical courses of the clinical school, other courses including clinical visit training, patient preparation, polyclinic visit, operating room observation, seminar hours and articles, and joining meetings among clinics are thought. The sixth year includes internship training. All the required knowledge and skills are provided according to the conditions of the country, as well as at the universal level, combined with the principles of preventive medicine. During the sixth year, students are responsible for patient care and completing their training under the supervision of faculty members.

Goals and visions

The laboratories in the Faculty of Medicine of Northern Cyprus International University CIU, are equipped with up-to-date and advanced laboratory supplies to train students with high quality education. In addition to that, the medical school is also very active in doing researches and supporting professors, graduates and students in research fields.

The goal of the medical school, is to train physician-scientists who support the health and well-being of the society with their scientific research, knowledge and skills, while considering the global values and medical ethics.

In order to provide education with the best and highest quality for the students, the medical school is equipped with educational and research laboratories with the highest level of technology. In the laboratories of Molecular Medicine, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Cell Culture, Microbiology, Neurophysiology and Hemodynamics, students find a variety of research and study opportunities. An advanced dissection room as well as a laboratory with complete equipment are designed for teaching anatomy. Physiology is taught using computerized tests and database. In addition, each student is allowed to actively participate in Biochemical and Molecular analysis and Metabolomics analysis experiments.

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